The Official Blog of Circle and USDC

Asset Delistings on August 2nd

Written by Team Circle | July 26, 2018

We're working on bringing Poloniex forward into a new phase of innovation and development.

We recently announced our Circle Asset Framework to help us manage the set of crypto assets that we support across our products. To free up our team to focus on the future, we have decided to delist some of our currently supported assets that either do not align with the framework and/or exhibit limited trading volume for an extended duration of time.

On Thursday August 2nd, the following assets will be delisted from Poloniex: FLO, FLDC, XVC, BCY, NXC, RADS, BLK, PINK and RIC. Please finalize all trades and close any positions in these assets prior to August 2nd. Once delisted, you will have 30 days (up to and including September 2nd) to withdraw any balances in these assets. We will send an email to balance holders reminding them to withdraw their funds prior to this date.

We greatly appreciate your support as we work to continuously improve the experience on Poloniex.

The Poloniex Team