Learn about USDC and where to access it

Give your customers financial stability by enabling them to hold and access digital dollars anywhere in the world.
Accept funds from your users and convert to USDC using Circle Mint, an exchange or other liquidity provider.
Provide a way for users to hold their own USDC balances using Programmable Wallets or use a third-party custody provider to hold it for them.
Allow users to deploy their USDC via linked debit card, cryptocurrency exchange, direct account transfer, digital wallet, or on-chain usage.
USDC is a digital dollar backed 100% by highly liquid cash and cash-equivalent assets and is redeemable 1:1 for US dollars for Circle Mint customers. For each USDC in circulation, there is an equal amount of USD assets in Circle’s reserves. Because it can be accessed through a variety of exchanges, protocols, and consumer finance apps worldwide, people living in countries with less stable currencies can convert local fiat to USDC and benefit from the strength of the dollar.
Getting USDC is only the first step. From there, you can help your users to securely hold and spend their USDC by enabling:
Circle and USDC allow people around the world to easily access digital dollars so they can benefit from the strength and stability of the USD.
While there are other USD stablecoins available, USDC provides stability and easy access. Here’s how: